Why Does My Back Hurt When Walking?

Why Does My Back Hurt When Walking?

Why Does My Back Hurt When Walking?

It’s never fun to have back pain. But once you identify the root cause (e.g., hunching over your desk at work, poor posture, or incorrect form while exercising), you can seek ways to become more aware of alleviating it.


The following article will explain what you can do when your back hurts when walking, its possible causes, and treatment options. 


Possible causes

In many cases, back pain is caused by a problem with the way your spine’s joints and muscles work together, as well as the discs that cushion them. If you have soft tissue in the joints’ discs that has slipped or herniated, your doctor can do several things to determine if it needs to be treated. 


Back pain is most commonly caused by strained muscles and ligaments surrounding the spine, but structural abnormalities can also cause it with bones. Back pain may be treated, and knowing what causes it and how to avoid it is an essential first step in combating it.



The lower back takes a beating while you’re on your feet for long periods. The tension in your back muscles from standing for long periods in a high-demand profession might exacerbate the pressure on your lumbar vertebrae.


Most lower back pain can be attributed to posture-related stress. For most people, increased pressure on the spine while standing or walking can cause lower back muscles to contract and spasm, resulting in pain.



People who are obese and suffer from back discomfort are probably not coincidences. An additional common cause of lower back discomfort is being overweight. Back discomfort is on the rise in the United States, and it’s not surprising given how many people are obese. Back discomfort is manageable, however.


Four pounds of pressure is applied to the spine for every weight on the body. This may come as a shock to some, but it is real. A 200-pound person is placing 800 pounds of pressure on their spine. Think of it this way: your spine and joints are put under more strain if you put on weight. The pelvis and lower back begin to slant forward due to excess abdominal fat. As a result, the back is permanently arched, producing back pain.


Poor Posture

When you hold your body in an inappropriate position, your muscles, spinal joints (lumbar facets), and discs can all be affected. Correcting the posture may ease these stresses, or they may accumulate, weakening the affected structure. 


Whenever you sit in poor posture for long periods, you are likely to cause harm to your back. Do this for an extended period, and your spine’s anatomy will be affected: Discs, joints, muscles, ligaments, and blood vessels will all be subjected to additional stress.


Keeping your spine naturally curved when walking is the best technique to keep your posture in check. Relaxing your shoulders and balancing your head on top of your spine are the keys to a good posture (and not flexed forward).



As the back stiffens, weakens, and deconditions due to prolonged inactivity, so does the discomfort. Pain can lead to a decrease in activity and exercise, which can lead to increased pain and a cycle of inactivity and back pain recurrence.


Sleeping position

An inappropriate sleeping posture can cause your joints to freeze or twist unnaturally because your spine is built to flex and follows a standard curve (known as the neutral spine position). Your sleeping position may be to blame if you wake up with a lot of back pain.


Treatment options

Within a month of home treatment, most back pain is alleviated. Each person’s back pain is different, and it’s a multidimensional sickness. For most people, the pain lasts for a few months, but just a few suffer from constant, excruciating pain.


Painkillers purchased over the counter and heat applied to the affected area may be all that is necessary. Taking an extended period of rest is not recommended. As much as you’re able, keep up your routine. Consider light activities, such as walking and everyday routine, as an alternative to intense exercise. Stop doing things that hurt, but don’t avoid them because you’re afraid of getting hurt. After a few weeks, if home therapies fail, your doctor may recommend stronger drugs or other forms of treatment.


In every case, it is always important to ensure that you seek professional help. At Stridewell, we can conduct a spine evaluation to determine what course of action is appropriate for your case. 


5 tips to prevent back pain when walking



Maintain proper posture

The muscles that support your spine work effectively when you have an appropriate posture. This is in addition to all of the other parts of your back that work together to protect you from feeling strained and tense.



Walking, especially brisk walking is an excellent low-impact cardiovascular exercise because it increases blood flow to the spine and stretches muscles. The structures in your lower back benefit from an appropriate supply of healing nutrients and hydration when blood flow is adequate.


You can start by making little goals, like going up and down your stairs three times in a row or strolling in the park with a friend, to get your body moving gradually.


Make an appointment with an experienced health care professional to help you get started and learn how to exercise properly, safely, and effectively.


Wear a high-quality footwear

Try to wear shoes that provide some cushioning to your strides. Your shoes should be comfortable and have enough padding to keep your heels in place (i.e., avoid flip flops). You could also try orthopedic shoes. These shoes are designed to alleviate pain. 


Get quality sleep

Talk to your doctor about the optimum sleeping posture if you’re prone to back pain. It is occasionally recommended that you sleep on your side with your knees slightly bent toward your chest. Are you sleeping on your stomach? Assemble two pillows: one for your lower back and one for your knees. A person’s back suffers the most when they sleep on their stomach. Place a pillow beneath your hips if you can’t sleep any other way.


Consult an expert 

Your primary care doctor can help you if your back discomfort stems from a recent strain or minor injury. When pain is severe, persistent, or accompanied by additional symptoms such as arm or leg numbness or tingling, it may be time to contact a back doctor. Nonsurgical back pain treatment should be your first choice. 


An orthopedic physician’s assistant or physiatrist can also be included here. They’ll be able to administer a general evaluation and recommend a course of action that will assist ease your pain. Depending on your situation, they may also send you to another back specialist, such as a pain management specialist or a spine surgeon.


Get to know why your back hurts when walking. Contact Stridewell today

Your spine is critical for bodily support. When it begins to hurt or feel uncomfortable due to an injury, the pain can be considerably more powerful than expected. When this occurs, you must get medical assistance immediately because any back discomfort might result in additional complications in your life. 

A pain management clinic can provide you with customized treatment solutions for persistent back issues or acute pain. Contact Stridewell today.

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