7 Reasons to Visit a Pain Management Clinic After A Car Accident

7 Reasons to Visit a Pain Management Clinic After A Car Accident

7 Reasons to Visit a Pain Management Clinic After A Car Accident

How long should you feel pain after a car accident?

Following a vehicle accident, most people have pain for up to six weeks, but this is only an estimate. There is no precise equation for predicting how long your pain and discomfort will persist. The length of time you are in pain will be determined by the extent of your injuries and your doctor’s diagnosis. The amount of pain you experience is mainly determined by the intensity of the accident and the injuries you sustained. However, it’s typical to be a bit uncomfortable for a few days following an accident, even if it’s a little one. Some people may feel OK right after an accident but have pain and discomfort a day or two later.


How do you deal with the pain after a car accident?

Muscle soreness may develop when your muscles relax, and the tension of the first injury wears off. Therefore, you must pay attention to your body’s discomfort signals. If you are experiencing stabbing pain or throbbing pain regularly, you should get medical help. There are hidden injuries or soft tissue injuries that you are not aware of. 


When should you see a doctor for pain after accidents?

Whiplash and neck discomfort, back pain, headaches, and fractured bones are common auto accident injuries. It’s critical to get medical help as soon as possible after suffering one of these injuries. However, the agony from these injuries can last for months after a vehicle accident. If you are experiencing chronic pain due to a vehicle accident, you might consider seeing a pain clinic.


7 Reasons You Should See a Pain Doctor Immediately for Your Car Accident Injury


1. Address the pain immediately

If you experience any pain or discomfort due to your automobile accident, the best advice is to get medical treatment as soon as possible. Even if you aren’t in pain, a trip to the doctor should be high on your list of concerns. Our bodies are very robust, but they were not designed to resist the hundreds of pounds of metal, glass, and plastic that clash in a car collision. Even the safest automobiles on the road can’t keep up.


2. Faster Insurance Claims

Most insurance companies consider 72 hours following an accident to be an acceptable amount of time to seek medical attention. Following your accident, you must have at least a basic checkup to rule out any minor issues. It informs your insurance carrier that you may have been harmed and takes proactive steps to manage your medical treatment. 


3. Better legal evidence

If you were in a vehicle accident caused by someone else’s negligence, you might find yourself dealing with a new insurance company to get your medical expenses reimbursed. After an accident, taking care of your health as soon as possible might help you negotiate with the at-fault party’s insurance company. The insurance of the at-fault may try to undermine your claim by downplaying the severity of your injuries to lower their liability for medical expenses or limit the amount of money you get in a settlement. By providing a complete record of your care and prognosis following your vehicle accident, timely and detailed records of tests and suggested treatments counter this approach.


 4. Delayed pain

Even if you don’t have broken ribs or a concussion, your neck and back are vulnerable to injuries that aren’t visible. Because of your adrenaline surge or because you are in shock, you may not feel any pain in the hours following a vehicle accident. If this is the case, you may have discomfort in the future. 

Read more: Auto Accidents & Delayed Back Pain


5. Internal damage that we cannot see

In normal circumstances, our seatbelts flex with us, but in dangerous situations, they lock down to protect us and keep us seated. Seat Belts can cause bruising in the abdominal and hip area if they are not fastened properly. Internally, severe bruising might be concealed by other signs and symptoms.


6. Easier future insurance claims

If you do not visit a doctor and get your injuries addressed, you may be refused medical coverage or disability insurance in the future due to prior injuries. They may not be considered car accident injuries as there is a delay in your doctor’s visit. 


7. Refusing to visit will not save you money

One of the most common reasons individuals put off getting medical help is fear of the expense. They frequently wait to see if the other driver’s insurer would take responsibility for the collision and, as a result, pay for any medical expenses. Regrettably, this isn’t the case. First, you have to process everything through your insurance and health care. Then, once everything has been settled, you can file for reimbursement from the other party’s insurance.


What You Should Do After Experiencing a Car Accident


Keep yourself in a safe place

The safest place for pedestrians is in an area where there are no fast-moving automobiles or trucks. This includes avoiding congested routes with heavy truck traffic and businesses with a large number of pedestrians.


Call 911

If you’ve been in a car accident that resulted in another person’s injury or death, contact 911 right away to report it to the police.


Inform your insurance company

If your insurance provider was not already on file at the time of the accident, call them. Assume no one else was hurt in the accident. In such a scenario, you may be able to file a claim for personal injury protection from your insurer without having to pay any medical fees out of pocket. Likewise, you may be able to file an accident claim if there are any accident victims.


Seek medical assistance

When a person is wounded or killed in a car accident, it’s critical to seek emergency medical attention right once. Even if you don’t feel anything, you should get checked out by medical professionals on the spot. The faster you seek medical help, the more you are to receive adequate medical care. There are common injuries or internal injuries that you may not be aware of. 


Gather your witnesses’ contact information

Assume you have access to witnesses following a car accident. In that scenario, you’ll need to get their names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and any other information you need to follow up on their claims later. This will help you recall important details from the interview and ensure that you accurately record the witness’ statement.


Gather evidence of the crash scene

If your car has an in-car camera system, save the recorded video footage as evidence. In addition, take photos or record any audio that may aid in the reconstruction of what occurred during the accident.


Talk to your lawyer

If you are involved in a car accident, contact your auto injury lawyers right once. Inform them about the event and provide them with information about your insurance, medical, and financial situations so that they can provide you with appropriate advice.


Compensate for the crash if it’s your fault

You may be held responsible for damages if you are at fault for another person’s injury. This implies that even if you did nothing illegal, you must compensate those who have been hurt. If your insurer feels you caused the accident, it cannot refuse coverage; instead, it must compensate victims regardless of whether they sue you. 


You Might Be Interested: Car Accident Insurance Guide in Phoenix AZ


4 Treatments Pain Management Clinics Offer for Car Accident Injuries


1. Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is one of the different types of pain management treatments for automobile accident injuries. Depending on the type of injury, the biological treatment program will differ. Hands-on stretching and strengthening exercises, as well as other approaches, may be used in the treatment. Usually, muscle pain, shoulder pain, ligament pain, neck pain, muscle strain, soft tissues injuries, and foot injuries can be alleviated through physical therapy 


2. Chiropractic Aid

Chiropractic therapy helps restore normal spinal alignment, which is frequently compromised after stressful events such as vehicle accidents. Chiropractors often employ a technique known as spinal manipulation or adjustment during therapy. The application of controlled force to realign vertebrae and prevent them from putting painful strain on spinal nerves is referred to as this technique.


3. Whiplash Treatments

Pain from whiplash injuries and the discomfort they cause can be treated by pain specialists. Cervical steroid injection, Facet joint injection, Spinal injuries, and Kyphoplasty may be part of your treatment strategy, depending on your injury and symptoms. 


4. Back pain treatment

Many post-car accident back pain treatments focus on lower back problems, but they can also help with middle and upper back pain. In addition, there are various injections available to treat chronic pain that develops as a result of car accident injuries. Injections are meant to target the pain-causing nerves specifically instead of tablets, which affect the whole body.


Contact Stridewell to know more about pain management after car accidents


It’s critical to get medical treatment the same day if you’re in an automobile collision at any speed. Mild injuries may go unreported in the immediate aftermath of an accident, but they can quickly escalate. If you are experiencing prolonged pain, it is advised to get a medical examination by a professional pain management doctor. 

If you are from Scottsdale, contact a reputable pain management clinic immediately to make an appointment if you believe you have been injured in a vehicle accident and require a thorough examination and treatment plan. 

Read Next: What To Expect At A Pain Management Clinic


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