Use Nutrition To Reduce Inflammation

Use Nutrition To Reduce Inflammation

Use Nutrition To Reduce Inflammation

If you experience back pain flare-ups or chronic back pain due to inflammation, it is important to realize that one way you can actively reduce the inflammatory response in your body is simply to watch what you eat. When you know which foods to embrace and which ones to stay away from, you can live better and enjoy doing what you love while minimizing back pain and discomfort …

Think plants! Tofu, beans, soy, quinoa, and other types of vegetable and grain proteins will nourish your body without causing back pain due to inflammation. If you must have your favorite meats, you can always alternate and be sure to enjoy some meatless meals. When you do enjoy meat, be sure to keep portion sizes under control. One serving size of meat is the size of your palm or a deck of playing cards.
Be sure to limit sugars, dairy products, processed foods, and saturated fats. Avoid trans fats, spicy foods, and fried foods all together. They may be tasty but are simply not worth the discomfort that comes from back pain due to inflammation.
Swap out white breads with whole grain or multi-grain options. Also be sure to consume enough healthy carbs such as fresh and cooked fruits and vegetables.
Never over eat. Even when you are committed to consuming only healthy foods, too much of a good thing can do more harm than good. Always be sure to eat slowly, fully chew your food, and always keep portion sizes in check.

If you suffer from flare-ups or chronic back pain due to inflammation, it is reassuring to know that you can control your spine health to a large extent through nutrition. If you have questions about managing neck or back pain by leading a lifestyle that will minimize inflammation, be sure to speak with our Spine Specialists here at the Stridewell Same-Day Spine Clinic. Stridewell Tips

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